Halloween Ends - The Movie Franchise Finale - Who Will Survive the Last Battle?

Forever lovers of Halloween just can't wait for their most beloved, favorite red-letter date to arrive. In 2022, fans of All Hallows Eve with everything that's spooky and scary are also looking forward to the final installment of the ongoing battle between two fictional characters in the frightening Halloween movie franchise.
Watch the Trailer and Other Teasers
According to sources in the entertainment industry, fans are chomping at the bit waiting to watch Halloween Ends that's slated to be released this October. Meanwhile, the official trailer is available for viewing with a sneak peek at what's coming to the big screen soon. In fact, this timely feature is even coming to any screen near you with the recent trend of releasing right to streaming. This title will be available on Peacock - same day as the theatrical release.
It's also being said this latest installment in the series will end with the demise of either the murderous mental patient Michael Myers or the one target who has eluded him all these years. Jamie Lee Curtis will reprise her role as Laurie Strode the protagonist watching her friends being killed off and her hometown being terrorized for over four decades.
A Brief and Scary Synopsis
In the current and last installment of the series, viewers will be privy to jumps in time that will either catch up fans from what happened in the past or allow those who may have missed one, a few, or all of the former flicks to follow the plotline from its inception. Expect the unexpected with what's being called a twist ending that will leave audiences in awe with this last episode of these scary showings.
Not So Terrifying and Terrific Trivia
For those who haven't followed the series since its inception back in 1978, not only did Jamie's main role in the movie propel her to be an overnight sensation, many people still know the name Michael Meyers and are familiar with his frightening, expression-free mask. Speaking of this famous disguise, both movie trivia buffs and superfans learned this bizarre facial covering was actually a cast of William Shatner from his days as Captain Kirk aboard the Starship Enterprise in the original Star Trek science fiction series from the sixties.
Impatient Fans Were Freaking Out
Before the trailer was released, once fans figured out Halloween Ends was in production, they began to share their impatience online. In a number of memes, posts, and other proclamations in anticipation of its release, fans were relating their dismay about having to wait until October to view the finale. They were also complaining about the lack of marketing and the absence of a movie poster. However, both of these advertising methods have arrived for hungry Halloween audience members to enjoy.
Still, the posts calling for more information about their beloved villain and his victim were flooding the internet. Mostly featuring images of a masked Myers, it's almost like fans were doing their own advertising campaign for the movie. For example, a pair of dedicated followers had this to say about the subject:
- One shared a picture of Michael staring out of a window and captioned the shot as "Me at my window wishing marketing would begin #HalloweenEnds."
- Another posted on Twitter a series of clips showcasing a seemingly saddened Myers and lamented, "When today comes and goes and there's still no Halloween Ends trailer or poster," with the same hashtag.
Now that we're nearing closer to the premiere, and spooky season has begun - have you seen the marketing pick up?
Conclusion and Curtain Call
In conclusion, for more information about what's hot and happening with today's entertainment and technology, be sure to stay tuned to the Living Local Toledo podcast. Join hosts Kim and Rani for their third season of this eye-opening broadcast currently airing on a podcast player near you in the Autumn months and beyond. From internationally celebrated holidays and films to what's going on in our local community, these two have got us covered.