Everything You Should Know about the Italian Football League

With the end of the US football season, many fans patiently wait for the new season to start. Luckily, there is another version of American football that sports enthusiasts can enjoy in the meantime- the Italian Football League (IFL).
Never heard of the IFL? Buckeye Broadband has you covered. This blog will discuss the IFL, where to watch it, who is hosting the 2023 championship game, and its teams!
What is the Italian Football League?
The IFL, also known as Serie A, is the top professional football league in Italy. It is a prestigious league with millions of fans and some of the best players from around the globe. Although some may assume this league is soccer since many countries have different names for American Football, the IFL is the same as the pigskin sport we love.
Fun Fact: Italians call soccer calcio, which means “kick.”
Where can I watch IFL games?
So, where can you watch this exciting sport? Buckeye Broadband customers get exclusive access to a game of the week airing every Monday at 7pm through BCSN. Cable TV customers can easily view the action on their TVs, and Internet-only customers can access the content by downloading and signing into the BCSN app (link).
2023 Italian Bowl in Toledo
Interested in seeing an IFL match in person? You are in luck! This year, the Italian Football League championship will be held this July, in our community, at the University of Toledo’s Glass Bowl Stadium. You can learn more and purchase your tickets at Italian Bowl USA.
Not an Internet or Cable TV customer? You can sign up for services here.
IFL Teams and Pronunciations
Italian pronunciation can be tricky, so to help we thought it would be nice to make a list of the 9 IFL teams playing this season, with their pronunciations.
- Ancona ("an-ko-na") Dolphins
- Milano ("mee-lahn-o") Rhinos
- Lazio ("lah-tsyoh") Ducks
- Verona ("veh-roh-nah") Mastini
- Legnano (“lay-nya-noh”) Frogs
- Parma (“paar-ma”) Panthers
- Firenze (“fee-ren-ce”) Guelfi (“well-fee”)
- Bologna ("boh-loh-nyah") Warriors
- Varese (“va-ray-s-eh”) Skorpions
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