
Best Apps to Keep your Resolutions in 2022

photo of desk with papers and person marking on a sticky note with their phone open to apps

One thing many of us have in common with the arrival of another year is the resolutions we make in order to make our lives better in the future. These self-proclaimed promises translate into a wide variety of things for different types of people. Some are looking to improve their lifestyle with a healthier diet, getting more exercise, or simply being better organized for their next annual trip around the sun.  In this light, here are some of the top resolution-related apps for a better 2022 and beyond. 

Eat This Much

If improving your eating habits was one of your NYE resolutions, the Eat This Much meal planner and tracker is like having your own personal dietitian on board to better your overall health and well-being. Self-proclaimed as a way to put your diet on autopilot, users first categorize their overall eating status. In other words, to help the app better understand your nutritional needs, begin by saying you eat just about anything or follow more specific plans on diets like:

  • Vegetarian
  • Paleo
  • Ketogenic
  • Mediterranean 


Especially for those who are following the recent step counting trend, the Movesum app encourages people to become more active in smarter ways, rather than using faster or harder methods. The intelligence of this application comes from connecting the things you eat with the number of steps you'll need to take to counteract the calories consumed with any given food. So instead of searching multiple locations every time you question your caloric intake against your step status, you'll find all this information in one place.


Not to be confused with running amuck in the buff, Streaks is a service app that reminds users to keep their resolutions instead of breaking these promises. While it's not specifically designed as a New Year's Eve application, there seems to be a connection with this holiday tradition. For example, possible reminders include everything from drinking more water, walking the dog further, or learning a foreign language. 

Evernote (and more)

From an article entitled 13 Best Organizational Apps to Streamline Your Life in 2022, the Evernote application was given high marks for keeping everything in order especially for those who seem to be constantly on the go with hectic lifestyles. Along with setting reminders or alarms about upcoming appointments, meetings, and other events, users are also able to:

  • Take advantage of their cloud-based storage system to securely stash your data with access almost anywhere and at anytime
  • Scan documents, handwritten notes, and other records
  • Take, save, store, and share photographs
  • Record and replay audio from brief presentations, personal messages, and reminders

If you're still looking for another type of organizational app to simplify your life, be sure to click into the article title highlighted above. Reminder, there are another dozen applications to explore and consider for the New Year (and beyond) taking advantage of today's technology. 

Speaking of high-tech, if you still have questions, here at Buckeye Broadband, we have the answers. Contact our Brainiacs with any or all your queries no matter how small and our team of knowledgeable nerds and geek geniuses will be there for you. We're also flexible and want you to choose your customer service preference whether you visit one of our many locations, give us a call, or shoot us an email, again, we'll be there for you. 


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