Arm Yourself With Awesome Super Bowl Trivia Before the Big Game

Along with Christmas and New Year's Eve, many look forward to THEE BIG GAME after the holidays aka the Super Bowl. It also comes along with memorable parties, annual family get-togethers, and local bar blasts. Sports enthusiasts also enjoy knowing stats and facts about their favorite teams, players, and games. In this light, here's a list of some interesting and obscure trivia mentions from great games in the past buried in the annals of Super Bowl history.
Chilly Stats From Frosty Minnesota
The Minnesota Vikings hold a weird place on this roster since they're the only NFL team to appear in the Super Bowl four times without a victory. Not only did they fail to win any of these games, but they also have the distinction of being the only NFL team never hold a lead at any time during the game. The idiom 'always a bridesmaid, and never a bride' comes to mind since it's a little sad that these team members were never awarded an SB ring or took home the highly-coveted Vince Lombardi Trophy.
More on the Coveted Prize
Often hard-core football fans know more about Vince Lombardi, the beloved coach and NFL exec, the late-great Vince Lombardi than they do about the trophy named in his honor. Said to be worth over $10,000, this award is hand-crafted in sterling silver by Tiffany & Company, proprietors of fine jewelry. It stands nearly 21 inches in height, weighs just over 107 ounces (or around seven pounds) and the pigskin as portrayed on top of the trophy is the same size as a regulation football.
Lords of the Rings
Ask almost anyone who knows anything about football who has the most Super Bowl rings (six in total) and the answer will quickly come out Tom Brady considered by many as the GOAT (Greatest of All-Time) Quarterback formerly playing for the New England Patriots. However, penalty flags will fly since there are two other people who are sporting more of this bling than him. Often fans forget that NFL team staff members and owners are also awarded this jewelry for their participation in these victories when you consider there are at least two others that surpass Brady in the number of SB rings they possess.
OVERTIME BONUS: Along with behind-the-scenes leaders like Bill Belichick and Neil Dahlen who are sporting eight and seven Super Bowl rings respectively, there are other legendary players like "Mean" Joe Greene who have tied Tom Brady with six of these bands.
A Quick Q&A at the Two-Minute Warning
Now that we're nearing the end of our playing time, let's run out the clock on our trivia game with a quick Q&A session. These are especially excellent questions for those at a Super Bowl event who would like to stump their friends and also make great questions for a party puzzler to win prizes or get penalized for incorrect answers.
QUESTION: Who has hosted the most Super Bowl games?
ANSWER: Miami and New Orleans both have excellent playing fields and these cities have had the most SB games held at their stadiums. However, New Orleans hosted the coldest Super Bowl on record with a chilling 39 degrees at kickoff and the temperature only warmed up to 43 degrees during the game.
QUESTION: What was the first wildcard team to take home the Super Bowl title?
ANSWER: Die-hard fans and members of the infamous 'Black Hole' cheering section, Raider's rooters were there to watch their team score the first victory as a long shot wildcard team when they bested the Philadelphia Eagles by a score of 27-10 in 1981. Currently based in Las Vegas, the Raiders are also in contention for an NFL team that has changed cities the most times in NFL history.
Finally, even after the last whistle has blown, and penalty flags have flown, for more fan-favorite news blasts, posts about upcoming games, and more, stay tuned to our blog, and don't forget to follow us on Facebook. As you'll see we're also huge sports fans including following and rooting for our beloved hometown teams and posting news about the next great game regardless of the sport.