Buckeye Public WiFi

Buckeye Public WiFi Access Instructions

We offer 3 convenient ways to access Buckeye's Public WiFi system. Current Buckeye customers can use your myBuckeye username and password for free Internet access. All other users can access the Internet for free by entering a valid email address.

Buckeye Customer Access

The instructions are valid for iOS and Android mobile devices.

  1. Connect to WiFi in mobile device settings
  2. Open Browser
  3. Go to website – any non-secure http website
    1. Example: mit.edu, neverssl.com
  4. Redirect to Public WiFi Welcome Page
    1. NOTE: If the customers uses a private browser, then they will not be able to access the Public WiFi portal.
  5. Click Buckeye Customer Access
  6. Terms/Conditions Page
    1. Click Agree
  7. Enter myBuckeye email and password
  8. Successful log-in will show a 60-second countdown
  9. User will be directed to the Buckeye Broadband website
    1. Enjoy WiFi access for up to six hours

Non-Buckeye Customer Access

The instructions are valid for iOS and Android mobile devices.

  1. Connect to WiFi in mobile device settings
  2. Open Browser
  3. Go to website – any non-secure http website
    1. Example: mit.edu, neverssl.com
  4. Redirect to Public WiFi Welcome Page
    1. NOTE: If the customers uses a private browser, then they will not be able to access the Public WiFi portal.
  5. Click non-Buckeye Customer Access
  6. Terms/Conditions Page
    1. Click Agree
  7. Enter First name, Last name, email address
  8. The email address you entered will receive an email with a verification code
  9. Return to browser
  10. Enter verification code in the Public WiFi Portal
    1. NOTE: WiFi access for two hours once verification code is entered

Buckeye Paid WiFi Premium Access

The instructions are valid for iOS and Android mobile devices.

  1. Connect to WiFi in mobile device settings
  2. Open Browser
  3. Go to website – any non-secure http site
    1. Example: mit.edu, neverssl.com
  4. Redirect to Public WiFi Welcome Page
    1. NOTE: If the customers uses a private browser, then they will not be able to access the Public WiFi portal.
  5. Click Paid Access
  6. Terms/Conditions Page
    1. Click Agree
  7. Click Purchase to add to cart 
  8. Click Checkout
  9. Enter your information (First Name/Last Name/Email/Credit Card Info)
  10. Receive user credentials (username/password)
    1. IMPORTANT: Please retain the auto-generated username/password information. Users will need this information to access the Public WiFi system during your 24-hour paid session. 
  11. Click Connect Now to begin your 24-hour session.
  12. When returning to the Public WiFi system during your 24-hour session using your assigned username/password information to access.